Bot verification message: To help us keep this website secure, please wait while we verify you're not a robot! It will only take a few seconds... Loading Print

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Sometimes, when you try to access your website, or somebody else, in different devices, there is this message that keeps appearing in regarding to some bot verification:

"To help us keep this website secure, please wait while we verify you're not a robot! It will only take a few seconds...

If you see it - that'll be part of our anti-DDOS measures that are included in your hosting package. Usually DDOS protection is a paid feature, but all our Cloud hosting users get it free of charge.

The 20i data centre has 1 Tbps+ anti-DDoS protection. This enterprise-level protection covers you and your websites against most attacks. It only filters-out malicious traffic, so, in most cases, you can carry on working without noticing any interruption.

About the Notification. It can occur if the site is under slightly heavy traffic or, most often, there are many requests coming from your IP address; we present the page to deter legitimate traffic, i.e. bots. If we see that it's a bot, we'll defer access; if it's legitimate traffic, we'll permit access after a second or two.

In general, it is almost the same as Cloudflare.

"StackProtect" is a security system aimed to increase the security of websites by presenting suspicious requests with a simple captcha to verify the user is genuine. Once a user has passed the captcha their IP address is automatically whitelisted for 48 hours by all sites across the VisualWebTechnologies Cloud platform, so they won't hit StackProtect again during this time.

If it's a problem for a particular site, we can turn it off on a site by site basis (we can do exceptions for some websites), though we would prefer not to do it as this is the way we protect the whole infrastructure and other sites that are hosted in the data centre.

I would say - probably your IP address is getting flagged :) Do you get Cloudflare bot checkup screens times-by-times?


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