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Network Connectivity Cloud Hosting Servers
- Saturday, 6th March, 2021
- 03:47am
Description - Our monitoring has alerted us to an issue with network connectivity and we are investigating. We will provide more information shortly.
Update 22:30 GMT - We can confirm we've identified where the problem is and are now looking to resolve it directly We'll provide a further update by 22:40 GMT.
Update 22:40 GMT - The problem has been identified as being with an upstream provider and our System Administration team are working with them to resolve the issue. We apologise for any continued inconvenience and we'll provide another update shortly.
Update 22:50 GMT - The root of the problem is currently being worked on in order to mitigate any impact on sites. We hope for a fix to be implemented shortly, we'll continue to provide updates as soon as we have more information.
Update 23:15 GMT - Connectivity should have now resumed for all impacted sites. We're closely monitoring and will provide further information shortly.
Update 01:05 GMT - At 22:20 GMT an upstream provider sustained a heavily distributed attack which in turn impacted websites and other services. We've made changes to mitigate this in the future. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by this.
Update 02:05 GMT - The multiple well-distributed attacks are currently still being mitigated, this may impact the load times of some services routing through the LHR CDN nodes. Some sites may temporarily experience connectivity loss during this time and we apologise to all who are affected by the disruption. We're currently working on a workaround solution for this and a full resolution is expected soon.
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