Russia Data-center Migration

  • Monday, 6th August, 2018
  • 06:36am

Dear Clients, 

We would like to inform all our Russia VPS clients that we are migrating Russia VPS to a new datacenter. 
For better performance, reliable network and stable TIER III Datacenter, we had to take this decision. Last month we faced 12-24hours of downtime, due to power outage in WebDC TIER II Datacenter, which affected many of our customers business.

Our New Datacenter "Data Center FIORD, Moscow, Russia" is a TIER III Certified Datacenter with better power backup facility and uptime insured.

After migration process all the vps clients will be assigned new IP address and client needs to update their websites with new IP address. 

Migration Starts: 08/08/2018

We expect all vps clients of in these nodes to co-operate during this migration process. During this migration process, each client will have support ticket opened by our technical personals providing with the new VPS details. 

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused during this time period.

Administrative Deparmtent

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